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Tag: fashion

La sesión se realizó en las callejuelas del Barrio Gótico de Barcelona.
The session took place in the narrow streets of Barcelona's Gothic Quarter. It was a fashion photography class in outdoor location, with natural light and fash, taught for the Master of Photography at the Elisava school, Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería, a teaching center of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
Color Checker BenQ SW 271C
After a long time I resume the normal activity of the blog. As for everyone, 2020 has been a complicated year but happily I see that, at least little by little, everything is getting back to normal. As many of you know, they are ambassadors for the fantastic BenQ monitor brand. Although this is a blog about lighting techniques, I
Lost in time con Godox AD300 Pro
The session was conceived as if it were about a girl from the sixties who suddenly finds herself in a current, contemporary environment, and therefore, somewhat lost. I was interested in highlighting the clothes and the look of those years and contrast it with modern architecture, metal and glitter, or dark passages. An urban portrait, with some references to the
Sesión moda kimonoff
Kimonoff is a new brand of kimonos "from home". The idea is to replace the classic bathrobe with a more elegant, casual and kimono-inspired style. As this is not a garment to go out of the house, the idea was to do the session in a house. I wanted to contrast the elegance and colorfulness of the fabrics with the
Two of my uncles have worked in automobile factories and three of my cousins have studied industrial mechanics for a few years. Although my vocation was far from there, I have always liked tools and machines. Automatic industrial systematization based on electricity, electronics, hydraulics and pneumatics have produced fascinating machines that remind me of Fritz Lang's futuristic film Metropolis, a
In mid-December I will give two 15-hour workshops in Montevideo. The theoretical classes will be held at Fundación Unión, located in front of Plaza Independencia. Space is limited to a maximum of 15-18 people and each workshop is subject to a minimum number of participants.
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